#37 The Clarity Sessions Podcast - Which Advice Do You Listen To?


A lot of us struggle with "Shiny Object Syndrome."

Let me explain what this looks like...

You sign up for one person's webinar, then you buy three books from another person, then you attend a live training from another expert, and then you buy that course and then that bootcamp from someone else. Soon enough, you're completely overwhelmed by all the voices you're listening to. And the reason we get overwhelmed is that you're consuming more content than you're actually applying.

It's just not possible for us to apply all the content from all the voices at once. 

Today, I want to share my number one strategy for fighting this kind of overwhelm: Pick one guru and go all in. 

As I'm writing this, there are a lot of gurus who want your attention. In fact, there are whole lists of people who teach on each of the many topics you want to learn about. If you want to learn about how to grow your Facebook page, how to grow your Instagram following, how to build your...

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#29 The Clarity Sessions - 3 Ways To Overcome Limiting Beliefs

Do you have limiting beliefs that are holding you back?

I want to share with you three ways to overcome your limiting beliefs to help you move forward in your life. See, I believe that each one of us has at least one gap in our life from the five key areas: faith, friendships, finance, fitness and family. In each area there is a difference between who you want to be and who you are right now. So what do we do to become the person we want to be?

On our way to bridging this gap, we'll notice beliefs we are holding onto that we've embraced but are preventing us from becoming the best version of ourselves. They are beliefs that we've decided are true. A limiting belief is something that we believe that limits us from becoming who we want to be.

So how do we overcome these limiting beliefs? Here are three ways:

1. Begin with the end in mind.

Being clear about your vision of a preferred future is so important to overcoming limitations. Who is it you want to be in the future? What do...

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#25 The Clarity Sessions Podcast - Tips For Creating New Content

One of the questions that I get often from my coaching students, from people in my Amplify Method coaching program, and even at live conferences is, "Brian, how do I get new ideas for content? How do I know what to post on social media? How do I get my new ideas?"

And my response is: answer the public.

Find out what questions people are already asking, and then answer them as part of your content process. So what I want to share three different ways to answer the public or to provide answers to the questions that people are asking.

The strategy is to find out what questions people are already asking about your industry and your niche, and answer those questions. Your answers become the content.

1. Join Facebook groups in your niche and ask questions.

The first place to find these questions is a private Facebook group. Join a private Facebook group or start a private Facebook group in your niche. There are many examples of online Facebook groups where there's a really dynamic...

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#24 The Clarity Sessions Podcast – Obstacles To Customer Clarity

Clarifying your audience is such an important step that too many people miss when it comes to creating their business.  I want to share with you about why it's important for you to clarify your audience and to specifically focus on that one target avatar you will serve with your products and services.

There are a few obstacles that we face when it comes to clarifying our audience. I'm going to walk you through those three obstacles that many of my coaching clients and participants in my courses face before we start to work together. If we do not clarify our customers or know exactly who we serve, then we don't know what to offer our audience or how to help them. This leads to zero sales. You might have a great idea for an online course, membership site, speech, or a book, but if you don't know who it's for, you likely won't have anyone to buy it.

So let's talk about the three obstacles that you may be facing:

1. You are thinking too broad.

So this happens often. I'm talking to...

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#23 The Clarity Sessions Podcast - Take On A Strong Point Of View

Is it hard for you to take on a strong point of view?

I want to challenge you to plant a flag in the ground and say, "This is what I believe...come with me," or "I don't believe in that. I stand against that."

It's time to take a strong point of view.

A few of my friends have made posts related to this idea: Stu McLaren and Jen Allwood.  For some reason, I want to be safe. I want everybody to like me. But what I've learned is that means compromising my voice. That means not standing up for what I believe in and not standing against what I don't agree with.

Let's jump into some examples. If you are in the home decorating niche, what's your strong point of view? Maybe your strong point of view is you don't need to go buy new things and you can shop at your house with things that you already have. Some more examples are being anti buying, pro-recycling and reusing. Maybe you have a strong point of view about schooling. You are someone of faith, so you believe in faith-based...

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#20 The Clarity Sessions Podcast-How To Create A Successful Webinar

**These concepts are from a combination of Jeff Walker's book, Launch, and Russell Brunson from ClickFunnels.

I want to share with you about live webinars and why I recommend live webinars as a part of your marketing strategy. But first, you may be wondering, "What is a webinar?" Well, a webinar is basically an event. It's an opportunity to invite people to participate in something exciting and often live. If you think about a concert, festival, parade, or a running event, there's something about this community element that's really exciting. A live webinar can be the same thing for your industry!

As an example, I'm hosting a live webinar coming up all about money mindset and helping people, specifically faith-based entrepreneurs, with their money mindset.

Here's the basic business model of a successful webinar:

1. Opportunity

The first thing that I do is start to think about the three limiting beliefs of my audience. What are the three limiting beliefs that your audience has about...

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#18 The Clarity Sessions Podcast - The One Change Your Website Needs To Increase Sales

It's time to learn the one change to make to your website to better serve your audience and make more sales. I thought of this topic when one of my coaching students inside the Amplify Method coaching program asked me to review his website. Now, normally I don't do that, but I like to go above and beyond for people that are inside of the Amplify Method coaching program. So I took a look at his site while I did a screen recording to give him feedback. As I was going through his site, I did a little exercise that I want to challenge you to do as well.


Open up the home screen of your website and search for two words. You search for the word "we," if it's more than one person that runs your site. For example, this guy has the site with his wife. You then search for the word "I" like the letter "I." This shows you how many times you talk about yourself or your company on your website. For him, it was over seven times on his homepage alone. So, then I searched for the word "you"...

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#17 The Clarity Sessions Podcast -- Emulate Before You Innovate

There is a concept that I have been applying to my life in many different ways. It's called: emulate before you innovate. Let's break down those two words real quick.


Emulate means to follow a model -- to implement a plan and follow somebody else's process.


Innovate means to create your own script, your own journey, your own path, but that shouldn't be done until you emulate. Emulate before you innovate.

Here is an example...my team and I have been going through this process called EOS -- the entrepreneur operating system. As we go through EOS, it's really easy to try to come up with new ideas and say, "Oh, we're not going to do it that way." For example, they have a weekly 90-minute meeting. My first thought was, "Well, we have a 60-minute meeting, so let's just do a 60-minute meeting." But what I'm learning to do is emulate before I innovate -- to follow the system before I try to change the system.


The reason for that is because I need to acknowledge that...

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#15 The Clarity Sessions Podcast — How To Be Comfortable On Stage

Being comfortable on stage is important for speakers and aspiring speakers. This is even true for those introverts out there. From the beginning, I considered myself an extrovert. I don't know if that's a learned behavior or not, but I grew up as a preacher's kid watching my dad preach a sermon to a church every Sunday. We would do a lot of traveling as a family going to different churches that were a part of our denomination, so as a kid of a traveling pastor, I spent a lot of time getting called up on stage. My sister and I jokingly called us the "Dixon Family Singers" because there was always a part in the sermon where my dad would invite us to come on stage, and the two of us would sing. I didn't have an option as a kid, so I did it. That experience helped me feel comfortable on stage.

Over time I've continued as a speaker, and I actually really love speaking. In some recent talks that I've done, I've had people come up to me and say, "Wow! Why are you so comfortable on stage?...

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#11 The Clarity Sessions - How To Promote Your Writing

Episode 11 of The Clarity Sessions podcast features Patty Scott

In this episode, we cover how to promote your published work and grow as an author.

Patty has published two books and she wants to build a bridge between the excitement she has over her books and how to widen her reach to help people actually buy her book. She wants to do more speaking and coaching as a result of her book topics: how to slow down as mothers and how to parent teens. Right now her writing is a hobby, but with her great word-of-mouth grown and willingness to try new things, it can be so much more.

Patty is working on some videos and wonders if it is better to do Youtube videos or Facebook live.

Here are my main tips for Patty:

1. Determine what your people want.

People buy things they want, not what they need. So what is the want behind the need? How do we find what someone will actually pay for? Youtube is a video library you can share with your email list. The videos are made with specific topics...

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