#11 The Clarity Sessions - How To Promote Your Writing

Episode 11 of The Clarity Sessions podcast features Patty Scott

In this episode, we cover how to promote your published work and grow as an author.

Patty has published two books and she wants to build a bridge between the excitement she has over her books and how to widen her reach to help people actually buy her book. She wants to do more speaking and coaching as a result of her book topics: how to slow down as mothers and how to parent teens. Right now her writing is a hobby, but with her great word-of-mouth grown and willingness to try new things, it can be so much more.

Patty is working on some videos and wonders if it is better to do Youtube videos or Facebook live.

Here are my main tips for Patty:

1. Determine what your people want.

People buy things they want, not what they need. So what is the want behind the need? How do we find what someone will actually pay for? Youtube is a video library you can share with your email list. The videos are made with specific topics...

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