The Dream 100 Strategy

As I look back on the past year, most of the greatest opportunities I had were the result of networking with influencers.

If this sounds scary to you or you don't think it's possible to build an "influential network," I want to introduce you to the Dream 100 Strategy. It's a concept originating with business strategist Chet Holmes in his book The Ultimate Sales Machine.

The Dream 100 is a proven process to serve people by continually staying in touch with them.

The strategy works as follows:

1. Identify the key influencers in your industry with whom you want to build a relationship.

2. Create a strategic outreach campaign that nurtures the relationship with those influencers and gets their attention over time.

3. Consistently communicate with them until they do business with you.

Don't hesitate to reach out and build your network! When you do, be sure you are giving as much as you are receiving. Don't reach out with questions. Reach out with encouragement and gratitude first!...

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#02 The Clarity Sessions - Create A Product That Serves Your Audience

So maybe you've been blogging for a while, you've been focusing on your social media, you've been growing your audience, and you have heard from some other people that it's time to monetize. It's time to create a product to sell to all those people who are watching, viewing, or reading your content. But what kind of product do you create? That is the question that Jennifer Bombarier from Sunflower Mom asks.

Jennifer asked: How do I meet my reader (single moms) where they’re at, and how do I help them through the transformation they’re experiencing?  How do I continue to engage my reader through all the stages?

People come for the content and stay for the community.  You’ve got the content down, so try focusing on building community.

1. Build community:

You could have a free community group on Facebook where there's an application to join the group. There doesn't need to be a monetary fee for the membership, But you can serve people in this group to...

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#03 The Clarity Sessions - When Too Many People Write On Your Topic

To learn more about Brian's personal coaching packages, click here.

Have you ever felt like your market is saturated? Like there are too many people writing on your exact topic? Too many people who are speakers in your world or who have written books about what you want to write about? Well, that is the topic we cover in episode 3 of The Clarity Sessions podcast.

Flavia Andrews is the proprietor of Neat House Sweet Home. She shared with me how she feels her blogging market is already saturated and how she doesn't feel she is an expert compared to others in her industry.

Many people feel this way, and, when you do, it's likely because you don't have a roadmap. You need a roadmap. To get a roadmap you need to ask your ideal reader/avatar questions on her pain. When you understand their pain, you will then be able to produce a product that gets rid of her problem. 

The three issues that seem to be the roadblocks are:

  1. Comparison
  2. Imposter Syndrome
  3. The Curse of The Guru



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